Channel # 57 Animal Planet takes you on an adventure where the animal and human worlds collide to witness the heart-warming, hilarious, ferocious, and often moving secrets of the animal kingdom. Read more
A new reality adventure series about Zoltan Horkai, a wild animal specialist who trains animals for the film and TV industry.
Donna Stepan runs Sleepy Burrow Wombat Sanctuary. When she takes in a new orphaned baby in critical condition, the next 24 hours become a fight for its life.
Steve travels to the Sea of Cortez to study the hunting behaviour of the voracious Humboldt squid by using himself as bait. Can he avoid being dragged into the abyss?
Officers from the Pennsylvania SPCA are horrified to discover a dead horse and thirteen others living in deplorable conditions at a farm in North Pennsylvania.
Threatened by an approaching wildfire, Stuart and Toni Rinker need a solution to their failing Idaho homestead. But, Stuart opposes the Raneys' fire-proofing plans.
Officers from the Pennsylvania SPCA mount a sting on a man suspected of breeding puppies in a basement in the centre of Philadelphia.
Journey around the world and discover how dogs became one of the most valued animals on the planet. From wild predators to friendly pets- this is the story of man's best friend.
A dog is brought in with its hair so matted it can hardly see, and a man is suspected of violence towards three cats.
In Northern California, the Raneys give a masterclass on rebuilding from scratch when they help a family whose homestead was destroyed in a devastating wildfire.
An outdated pool needs the Lucas touch. His mission is to create a jungle oasis in a suburban backyard, with special surprises.
Robert and Terri take to the skies to release some sea turtles near the Great Barrier Reef. Bindi eagerly awaits the birth of the zoo's first tiger cub in years.
Meet the Great Dane that holds the record for the tallest dog alive, the pooch crowned the ugliest in America, the world's smallest Chihuahua, and the poodle that can read.
Marty must move a failing cabin onto a flood-proof foundation while Matt teaches an ill mother how to face her fear of invasive hogs.
Antonio and his team look back on some of their biggest and best builds. And, grateful owners give an update on how much the animals are enjoying their new cribs.
Bindi swims alongside whale sharks, assisting with research efforts on the world's largest fish. Robert works to save an echidna that's trapped under a fridge.
Lucas builds a Caribbean destination in a landlocked back garden. It's a clash of wills, as the clients and Lucas argue over each other’s vision.
While swimming in a river in South Africa, Peter Knottenbelt accidentally steps on a crocodile. Plus, a pair of ravenous raccoons attack Meg Doyle and her dog.
Villalobos faces one of their most challenging rescues when a house fire reveals a massive dog-hoarding situation. Two teachers fall in love with a deaf puppy.
A family in Idaho suffers from a cabin on the verge of collapse and predator threat to 100 chickens. The Raneys set about making it liveable.
Pool genius Lucas transforms a neglected backyard into a waterpark wonderland! With his most extreme remodel yet, Lucas creates a family fun zone.
Robert and Indah, a Komodo dragon, participate in an exciting research experiment. Terri tries to save a koala joey with a zero percent chance of survival.
Costa Rica has been facing increasing numbers of human attacks and deaths from large crocodiles. Reptilian expert Paul Bedard searches for a solution.
The authorities in southern Florida battle to control the spread of the invading African Rock Python, a lethal giant constrictor, known to attack, kill and even devour humans.
The Browns embark on a quest to discover new land that steers them into unfamiliar terrain. There, they pledge to rebuild a life of independence in the bush.
Animal expert Coyote Peterson searches for a species considered a jewel of the Australian outback by reptile enthusiasts, the rare knob tailed gecko.
Animal expert Coyote Peterson is on the hunt for a variety of strange lizards and reptiles in the Australian outback, particularly the bizarre thorny devil.
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