Classic Disney movies now showing on OSN

Classic Disney movies now showing on OSN

From the depths of Atlantica to the souks of Agrabah, our channel dedicated to Disney movies opens up a whole new world of adventure.

Celebrate the Royal Wedding with OSN

Celebrate the Royal Wedding with OSN

It’s almost here, the wedding of the year is days away! Ladies, get the girls round and your royal blue dresses on, as we bring you 9 special programmes dedi...

6 أفلام رعب لن تستطيع النوم بعد مشاهدتها

6 أفلام رعب لن تستطيع النوم بعد مشاهدتها

هل أنت من عشّاق أفلام الرعب؟ هل تود مشاهدة أفلام مرعبة ستنسى النوم بعدها؟ إذاً إليك مجموعة من أفضل أفلام الرعب التي حازت على إعجاب العديد من المشاهدين.

تعرّف على أفضل مسلسلات رمضان 2018

تعرّف على أفضل مسلسلات رمضان 2018

سيطل علينا شهر رمضان قريباً وسيتسنى لنا الاستمتاع بأحلى الأوقات العائلية مع أروع المسلسلات العربية طيلة الشهر الكريم. فلنتعرف معاً على أفضل مسلسلات رمضان 201...

Where in world do they film Game of Thrones?

Where in world do they film Game of Thrones?

With a super-smart special effects team and a seemingly bottomless budget, you'd be forgiven for assuming that Game of Thrones' incredible landscapes and bac...

Top drama movies inspired by real-life stories

Top drama movies inspired by real-life stories

From extraordinary intellects to incredible survivors, historical events to heart-warming friendships, some top true-life drama movies are now showing on OSN.

Action movie heroes for the whole family

Action movie heroes for the whole family

High-speed or spidery, superhuman or sword-wielding, however you like your superheroes we've got an action movie for you. So get set to shapeshift, swing and...

Laugh out loud with our top comedy movies

Laugh out loud with our top comedy movies

Looking for LOLs? Well you're in the right place. With some of the best comedy movies now showing, we're all set to put a smile on your face.

Oscar hits and near-misses we love

Oscar hits and near-misses we love

It's the biggest night in Hollywood, filled with glitz, glamour and gushing acceptance speeches. (Yes, it's been nearly 20 years but we're still looking at y...

Our pick of the best Indian movies on OSN

Our pick of the best Indian movies on OSN

Where else can you watch the latest Indian moves other than OSN? Check out our top picks this month on OSN.

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