What happens when an imaginative little girl, an impatient frog, an over-confident dog, a thoughtful cat, and a naïve earthworm get together?
S1 E30: Anna's Horse
Anna joins her friends to a game of riddle. Not only can she not "neigh" like a horse, she can't even make a loud sound. Bubu helps Anna with a Horse toy that makes the perfect “neigh” sound- perfect plan until they lose control of the toy!
S1 E31: The Box of Secrets
Froga is discussing the notion of secrets with Christopher. She can’t keep secrets as they are a burden for her. Anna makes a secrets box where all the friends put their secret inside to feel better!
S1 E32: Bubu's Robot
Bubu is understandably thrilled when he discovers his old toy robot that he converts into the FIX-IT-UP 5000. Anna, Froga, and Christopher are so impressed with his new fixer-upper robot, Bubu begins to think his friends like his robot more than him!
S1 E33: Froga's Choice
Froga can't decide which boots to wear for today's group photo with her friends. Anna, Ron, and Bubu try to help her decide, but it makes her decision-making more difficult!
S1 E34: The Great Friendship Show
Anna and her friends write a poem. Bubu prefers to paint. And the friends do so too. Froga is not so keen on painting, she creates a full-on choreography that Christopher finds hard, he prefers juggling. For Ron, it's poetry.
S1 E35: The Remember-ator
Froga can't seem to remember anything today! Even her piano lesson with Christopher! She decides to put sticky notes all around the house as reminders. But it is not very convenient! Bubu offers to be her reminder, friends the best reminders of all!
S1 E36: The Treasure Hunt
Froga organizes a treasure hunt for her friends! Everyone is enthusiastic, except Ron is not with them. Froga realises the treasure has now disappeared. When the treasure hunters have finally found Ron, they also found him… with the missing treasure!
S1 E37: The Mystery Present
Bubu, Froga and Anna are looking for Anna’s Ukulele, a bouncy ball and another item belonging to Froga. When searching, they find a beautiful present. Why is it here? Who is it for? What’s inside? Our friends are planning to find out!
S1 E38: The Friendship Bouquet
Froga is devastated because her sunflowers have withered in her garden and she cannot make her annual sunflower bouquet. Luckily, Anna, with her friends, searches for a solution to replace Froga's cherished sunflowers with something better!
S1 E39: Leaf Portraits
When Ron discovers that some leaves resemble his friends, like clouds are making shapes in the sky. Anna, Froga and Christopher are amazed by his discoveries. The leaves are blown away, and the wind takes the “Leaf Portraits”.
S1 E40: Hiccups
Froga gets a terrible hiccup, each of her friends come up with creative solutions to help her to get rid of it. No matter how hard they try, though, the hiccups put their patience and good humor to the test!
S1 E41: King for a Day
Today the friends play King For A Day, someone throws the crown on Christopher’s head! Then the crown leaves his head and ends on his cousin, Benjy, who just came for a day visit. Benjy only wants to play with his cousin, and do whatever he wants.
S1 E42: The Vegetable Pie
Froga's strawberries are sick so she's going to miss this year's vegetable picking. When Bubu offers her a walkie-talkie to use, she agrees to let him baby-sit her sick plant for her. But soon, Froga loses confidence in Bubu's ability to help.
S1 E43: The Surprise
They decide to organise a surprise party on the hill. The organisation gets out of hand when Bubu’s invitation cards fly away, Ron gets distracted in writing a heartfelt poem and Christopher tries to resist to eat the strawberry pie he baked.
S1 E45: Give-Away Day
Froga gets a new beautiful Sunflower Plant and decides to put it in her greenhouse. But she realizes that has been using her greenhouse to store all the items she doesn't know what to do with anymore. Now there's no room for her plant!
S1 E46: The Silly Sounds
When he accidentally erases the 3 funny sounds that Christopher had on his recorder, Ron, decides to re-record them with the help of all his friends. But no sound seem to suit Christopher, who has a hard time accepting the loss of them.
S1 E47: Super Hero Teacher
Froga is so enamored with Super-Christopher, she decides that she wants to learn how to become Super-Froga! Christopher takes on the challenge of being her superhero instructor and after a rocky start, the two become terrific super partners.
S1 E48: Story Without An End
Anna is reading Christopher and Froga a story - but when she gets to the end, they discover the last two pages are missing! After a search for the missing pages, they find out that one of them is blank.
S1 E49: Apple Picking
The apples on the apple tree are ripe and the friends are super excited to go to pick them! They will make puree, juice, tarts, but also eat them straight! But the tree has grown since last year and the apples are hard to reach…
S1 E50: The Talking Flower
Anna would like to paint a new picture, and Ron his favourite flower: Jaunita. When Anna starts to paint Ron and his flower, Christopher hides behind a bush to trick him and make him believe the flower is a talking back to him.
S1 E51: The Amazing Guesser
After performing a backyard magic show with Ron, Christopher convinces himself that he actually has magical guessing powers! Christopher utilizes the help of Bubu and Ron to surprise the surprisers when they wake up!
S1 E52: The Robot Player
Christopher has organized several games in the CLEARING for his friends to play. And the prize for each will be a TROPHY! The friends are super excited when Bubu brings his robot to play along with the group.
S1 E53: Smile Day
When Froga discovers that someone has scribbled a horrible frowny face one of her pumpkins in her garden, Anna and her are quite upset - especially since today is smile day!
S1 E54: No Panic !
Christopher needs to warn Froga to protect her strawberries since he ears a thunderstorm coming! It turns out, the noise of thunder comes from Bubu's new invention: the weather machine!
S1 E55: Ron's Sunburn
Ron has gotten a terrible sunburn and is too embarrassed to come outside and play with his friends. They try everything they can think of to get him to play with them. They even try tempting him with Froga's freshly baked cookies!
S1 E57: The Magic Trick
Anna and Christopher are amazed by Ron's magic trick! When Ron teaches Anna how to be a magician, she wants to make Christopher disappear! Christopher is transformed into a balloon and the balloon into Froga!
S1 E59: The Stay Over
When Anna and Froga invite Ron to take a nap on their couch, they are surprised by his loud snores. They try everything they can to get him to stop (without disturbing his nap) and when they try to get Bubu's help, but Ron snores louder and louder!!
S1 E60: Snow Dream
Bubu has fixed Froga's barometer and everyone is surprised when it says there will be snow today (on a warm summer day!). Everyone is excited, Bubu wants to make to make a five-seater sled! He gets upset, when they realize it was a false forecast!
S1 E62: Stuck
Froga has made Christopher a homemade helmet in watermelon, with ear holes for his stuffed animal Geegee - but when Froga hand gets stuck inside one of the holes, it's an adventure trying to release her.
S1 E63: Switcheroo
When Froga and Anna realize they have switched mugs in the morning, they decide to make a day out of it and Switcheroo Day is born. Reversing roles, Froga will prepare lunch while Anna tends to Froga's strawberry plants.
S1 E64: The Missing Socks
When Froga realizes her socks are smelly after a day of gardening, Bubu offers to help by placing them into his SMELL BETTER MACHINE. When the machine ends one of Froga's beloved socks has disappeared. She’s worried it's gone forever.
S1 E65: The Mysterious Visitor
Bubu is eager to meet a real space alien so he builds a homemade antenna and sound box to communicate with outer space. He is amazed when he and Ron discover two glowing eyes. It must be the space alien!
S1 E66: The Squeaky Boots
Christopher leads the friends in a fun game of HIDE AND SEEK. But Froga soon realizes that her new boots are letting out a noisy SQEEEAK. When a pesky mosquito enters the picture and threatens to ruin the winning prize!
S1 E67: The Greedy Gobbler
While Bubu and Christopher want to enjoy an hazelnut snack, their hazelnuts go missing! When Anna, Froga and Ron's chocolate snack also disappears, the friends are convinced it's the work of the GREEDY GOBBLER and the HAZELNUT PRANKSTERS.
S1 E68: A Longchair for Ron
A sleeping spider squats Ron's swing, and he can't take a nap. He laments to Anna and Froga that he wishes he had a deck chair to sleep on. This gives them the idea to surprise him with one.
S1 E69: The Key
Because of her fear of spiders, Froga locks herself and Ron in the greenhouse to collecting Strawberries for the friends' Strawberry Snack time Musical Feast. But when it is time to leave, she can’t locate the key…
S1 E70: Fruits Surprise
When Froga and Christopher realize that Anna and Bubu may be making a "fruit surprises" for Snack Time, they try everything they can to preserve the two surprises. Froga and Christopher realized how difficult preserving a surprise can be!
S0 E43: The Surprise
What happens when an imaginative little girl, an impatient frog, an over-confident dog, a thoughtful cat and a nave earthworm get together? Enter the simple whimsical world of Anna and Friends and the joyfulness and enthusiasm that childhood brings.
S0 E44: The Paperplane Race
S0 E45: Give-Away Day
S0 E46: Funny Sounds
S0 E48: An Endless Story
S0 E51: The Amazing Guesser
S0 E52: The Robot Player
S0 E53: Smile Day
S0 E54: No Panic!
S0 E55: Ron's Sunburn
S0 E56: Bubu's Portrait
S0 E75: The Giant Strawberry
S0 E76: The Quiet Game
S0 E77: The Funny Photo
S0 E78: The Gift Box
S1 E1: Strawberries
Anna and Froga are excited to make the best strawberry pie ever with the first strawberries of the season. Anna makes a plan to distract Christopher while they make the pie!
S1 E2: The Swing
When Anna and Froga discover the old seat of their swing, they are excited to hang it on the apple tree. But the ropes to attach it have gone missing!The two friends' search for the missing ropes turns out to be more difficult than they had imagined!
S1 E3: The Detectives
Froga is desperate. Her favourite toy Super Pebble has disappeared! Now Anna and Ron work with Froga play detectives. Thanks to a thoughtful gift from Christopher, Froga ends up finding her missing Super stone herself!
S1 E4: Super Christopher
Christopher visits Anna with his " Super Christopher" costume, ready for adventure! But being a superhero comes with a whole set of challenges. Christopher isn’t just a superhero. He’s also a super friend.
S1 E5: The Photo
When Anna finds her old Polaroid camera, she decides to take pictures of all her friends. Everyone thinks it’s a great idea and Anna makes some great portraits. But things get complicated when she tries to take a group shot of everyone!
S1 E6: We Love Nature
Anna and her friends are planning an amazing picnic in nature. But Bubu's bag is too heavy, Christophe can't resist eating all the strawberries! A thunder makes things worse. Luckily, Anna's living room makes a great camp site!
S1 E7: The Kite
While Anna and Froga are playing with their kite, it gets stuck in the tree. Anna and Froga race to Ron’s for help, but when the three friends arrive at the apple tree, their kite and all the apples are missing!
S1 E8: The Nap
Anna and her friends decide they should all take a nap to be in shape for their midnight pyjama party, but no one knows the best way to get to sleep and they each offer their own unique way to do it!
S1 E9: The Bicycle
Bubu impresses his friends with a brand new bike he won in a contest. He encourages everyone else to ride it, Anna discovers why: Bubu doesn't know how to ride a two-wheeler!
S1 E10: The Ukulele
Anna, Froga and Ron make up a song that Anna plays on her ukulele. But they accidentally end up breaking her cherished instrument in half! Ron and Froga do everything they can to stop Anna from finding out, finally they need to confess their mistake.
S1 E11: The Cuddle Toy
Christopher is sad because he lost his cuddly toy so Bubu gives him his to use. But when Christopher looses that one too, it's a desperate search for missing cuddlies until Anna saves the day!
S1 E12: The Mosquito
Froga is petrified of a pesky mosquito, so her friends try everything they can think of to chase it away: they dance, fidget, make loud noises and even try to befriend it. When Bubu activates his homemade stink bomb launcher, it causes such a stink!
S1 E13: Shooting Star
Anna and her friends want to watch Shooting Stars - but Froga is scared of the dark! With a little encouragement (and a visit to her Night Tomato) Froga conquers her fears and has a wonderful and memorable night with her friends.
S1 E14: Circus Celebration
Bubu’s DVD of his favorite circus show does not work. The others create their own circus acts in the backyard. Doing acrobatics, juggling, and magic! Bubu joins them, even when the DVD player is fixed, they prefer to stay in the backyard to play!
S1 E15: Friendship Journal
Anna decides to make a scrapbook to celebrate Friendship, where each try to come up with something special enough to deserve the first page in her "friendship journal."
S1 E16: Hide and Seek
Anna and her friends are outside playing Ron's favorite game, Hide-and-Seek! Anna is the Seeker and quickly finds Froga, Christopher and Bubu. When the friends work together to try to find Ron, they realize he's found the best hiding spot of all.
S1 E17: A Very Busy Afternoon
Froga organises a gathering to share jam sandwiches with everyone, Ron and Christopher want to show off their acrobatic frisbee skills, Bubu invents a new game he wants to teach his friends - all at the same time!
S1 E18: The Four-Leaf Clover
Anna and her friends have organized a hula hoop competition and Froga relies on her four-leaf clover to help her win! But when she loses it, Froga is convinced there is no way she’ll ever win.
S1 E19: The Collection
Upon seeing Ron's stick collection, Froga learns for the first time what “a collection” is. Anna would like to create one of her own. The others have all one sticks, bubbles, sounds, tools. They help Anna to find her memories with her friends.
S1 E20: Fixing Things
Bubu catches a cold, he's unable to fix Ron's spinning top and Christopher's broken piano. While Bubu is resting, she "fixes" the broken items for him. Christopher's piano starts playing bubbles, Froga realizes she should leave the fixing to Bubu!
S1 E21: Bubble Trouble
Bubu's bubble maker invention works so well, it creates an enormous bubble that Christopher gets trapped in! He loves his journey soaring over the land - but his friends are desperate to rescue him!
S1 E22: Party Time
Anna and Froga want to throw a party….. since it is not a particular party day they decide to celebrate “Tomato Day”, But Christopher ate all of the tomatoes … so they need to find another name… Anna finds the perfect name: Friendship party!
S1 E23: Prank Day
Today is Prank day, Anna and her friends must compete to elect the best prankster of all. Everyone's doing a great except Christopher. The friends are surprised when the worst prankster turns out to be the best!
S1 E24: A Present for Ron
Christopher loves Ron's rock collection so much, he wants to add another beautiful rock to it! They set off on a journey to find the most amazing rock they can find. When they discover it - they must figure out a creative solution to get it to Ron!
S1 E25: The Trip to the Moon
Christopher dreams to visit the moon so his friends make his wish come true. Bubu makes a rocket ship in cardboard and the friends make Christopher an outfit with everything he will need during the trip to the moon.
S1 E26: The Spider
Anna and Froga are completely freaked out when they learn a spider lives in Ron's treehouse with him! Ron tries his best to convince his friends that the spider is harmless.
S1 E27: Impatient Christopher
Christopher can hardly wait for his birthday tomorrow, he delivers invitations to his friends, he tries to figure out what present they are preparing for him. Christopher learns that sleeping is the fastest way for tomorrow to come sooner!
S1 E28: The Statue of Friendship
Anna is inspired to create a statue of Froga but she runs out of clay. On her search to find more, she and her friends agree to each make their own special statues out of different materials. The best statue to build is one they build together!
S1 E29: Froga's Hat
Froga finds a sun hat she thought she lost forever and organizes a celebration picnic! But when the precious hat gets stained with jam, Froga's friends try to fix it - only making things worse. In the end, Anna's solution is the best of all.
S1 E44: The Paperplane Race
S1 E56: Bubu's Portrait
Anna is painting a beautiful portrait of Bubu as a surprise gift. As she is missing a colour, she leaves the painting in the meadow for a moment. Meanwhile, Christopher arrives and finds the abandoned painting, he decides to take it to Bubu's.
S1 E58: Go Find it
Today, Christopher organises the game of the day. He lists objects that his friends must bring back, the 1st team who does, win the game. But the objects are not easy to gather: the sun, a rocket ship, or a house!
S1 E61: Backwards Ron day
Anna and Froga forgot that today is Ron's Day. There's nothing to eat and Christopher is missing! But, in the rush, everything is going wrong. How will they ever manage to throw a great party for Ron?
S1 E71: New Blue Jeans
Christopher has prepared his annual obstacle race and is excited for all the friends to participate. Bubu's new blue jeans are still drying so he has to wear his brand-new pair to the event, he becomes overly concerned of getting them dirty.
S1 E72: Everywhere at Once
Anna has prepared her ice cream for everyone but forgets to place it in the freezer. – as she is trying to help all her friends at once, the ice cream melts! Is it ruined or can it be saved?
S1 E73: The Blue Butterfly
Anna and her friends are on a mission to capture a photograph of a pretty flower, but on the search, they see a beautiful blue butterfly. The friends finally discover the best way to capture their enchanting photo.
S1 E74: Achoo !
Bubu teaches Christopher about allergies. And when he witnesses Anna sneezing uncontrollably when she is around Froga, he is convinced that she is allergic to her! They wonder if they will ever be able to live life as they once did!
S1 E75: The Giant Strawberry
When Froga discovers an amazing oversized strawberry in her garden, she quickly becomes obsessed with it. Things come to a head when Froga discovers a bunch more giant strawberries and even Anna is driven away.
S1 E76: The Quiet Game
After talking so much to her plants, Froga decides to save her voice by playing THE QUIET GAME. When she lays out the objective that her friends need to try to make her talk - it becomes a fun challenge for the gang to get her to crack.
S1 E77: The Funny Photo
While flipping through her Funny Photo Album, Froga is surprised to learn she has no funny picture of Anna! Setting off to remedy this, Froga instills the assistance of her friends to try to score a hilarious photo of Anna.
S1 E78: The Gift Box
The friends are having a gift exchange and Bubu ends up with a present from Christopher. When he mistakes the box itself for the actual gift, Christopher is convinced Bubu doesn't like his present.
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